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It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to our beloved Jasper, a gentle tabby who has been a cherished part of our Cat Guardians family for the past 13 years. Jasper’s story began in November 2011, when a dedicated volunteer reached out to a local TNR group after her landlord decided that the colony of five cats she had been feeding outside her apartment had to go. Not wanting to see all of them put back out in the cold, the volunteer asked Cat Guardians to take in the two with the best chance of being socialized. Jasper, though feral, showed a glimmer of hope with his slow blinks in between hisses, and we knew we could work with him.

At the shelter, Jasper’s journey was not easy. He would lash out, only to curl up in fear of retaliation. But beneath that tough exterior was a vulnerable soul who just needed a little extra love. He was given the name Jasper, symbolizing a precious, high-energy stone, reflecting his potential to shine despite his rough edges. Over time, Jasper began to trust, especially when Karen worked tirelessly with enticing bits of food that he couldn’t resist! Food became his pathway to comfort and connection.

When we felt Jasper was ready to leave his cage, we opened the door to let the other cats visit him in a sort of kitty “open house.” They ate his food and sniffed him curiously, but Jasper was not afraid. Instead, he found his place among them, and soon, he had a circle of furry friends to cuddle with.

For the last 13 years, Jasper has been a quiet but constant presence in our shelter, winning the hearts of his feline friends and the volunteers who adored him. This week, Jasper unexpectedly collapsed at the shelter while the morning crew was cleaning, so Kathy took him to the animal hospital where the veterinarian kindly ushered our sweet Jasper into peacefully crossing The Rainbow Bridge.

Jasper’s passing is bittersweet. We are heartbroken to lose our shy, sweet boy, who has been a cornerstone of our shelter for so many years. But we take comfort in knowing that our shelter was founded for cats like Jasper. We were able to give him a loving, secure home where he could live his best life, surrounded by friends and cared for by those who loved him.

As we remember Jasper, we also think of other special cats like him who have found a safe haven with us. Our sponsorship program has been vital in providing for these cats who, due to behavioral or medical reasons, are not suitable for adoption into a traditional home. If you’d like to help us continue to care for these wonderful cats, please visit https://catguardians.org/cats-by-type/for-sponsorship/ for more information and a full list of cats available for sponsorship.

Rest in peace, Jasper. You will be missed dearly, but your memory will live on in the hearts of all who knew and loved you.