Shine (1986-2009)
The grand dame of the shelter, our beloved Shine, passed away peacefully the night of July 6th, 2009. Her final moments were spent cradled in Kathy’s lap, feeling the love she has always known as a Cat Guardians resident. She was 23 years old.
Shine was born in 1986 and was rescued with a litter of her kittens. For many years, she perched atop our cages, keeping watch over the shelter and her many furry friends. She was a gentle matron, greeting the other cats with a nuzzle or a kiss — especially Henry, her beau. The couple retired upstairs to the office last year, and spent their days cuddling and watching birds out the window together. After Henry’s passing, Shine took on a motherly role toward the other office cats, who respected her age and appreciated her affection.
She never let her asthma or her age slow her down. While she enjoyed her long naps in the sun, she still leapt gracefully from the desk to the floor up to the very end. She wouldn’t let anyone cut her nails or pick her up, and was always ready to use those claws when Frankie got a little too frisky with her.