Having trouble affording your pet? The Humane Society offers a variety of resources to help you keep your pet. You will find their Resource Page here.
For residents of DuPage County, their animal services department can help you with behavior concerns, resources for pet food/supplies, low-cost spay/neuter and vaccination options, and other challenges you might be facing. More information is available on their website.
National organizations that provide financial assistance to pet owners in need:
Please keep in mind that each organization is independent and has their own set of rules and guidelines. Therefore you will have to investigate each one separately to determine if you qualify for assistance:
The Big Hearts Fund (financial assistance for the diagnosis and treatment of canine and feline heart disease): www.bigheartsfund.org
The Binky Foundation: www.binkyfoundation.org
Brown Dog Foundation (prescription medications): www.browndogfoundation.org
Canine Cancer Awareness: www.caninecancerawareness.org
Cats In Crisis: www.catsincrisis.org
The Dog & Cat Cancer Fund: www.dccfund.org
God’s Creatures Ministry Veterinary Charity: www.all-creatures.org
Help-A-Pet: www.help-a-pet.org
IMOM.org: www.IMOM.org
Magic Bullet Fund (cancer-specific): www.themagicbulletfund.org
The Mosby Fund: www.themosbyfoundation.org
The Onyx & Breezy Foundation: www.onyxandbreezy.org
Paws 4 A Cure: www.paws4acure.org
Pet Food Bank: www.petco.com
Pet Food Stamps: www.petfoodstamps.org
The Pet Fund: www.thepetfund.com
Pets of the Homeless (pet food and veterinary care assistance for homeless):www.petsofthehomeless.org
RedRover Relief: www.redrover.org
Rose’s Fund: www.rosesfund.org
Shakespeare Animal Fund: www.shakespeareanimalfund.org
Top Dog Foundation “Bentley Grant”: www.topdogfoundation.org