Temporary Foster Help

Thousands of people each year find themselves in a position where they are no longer able to provide shelter for themselves, much less for their pets. Many owners don’t want to surrender their pets but find little choice. In order to help people keep their pets, the following organizations provide temporary short-term and/or long-term foster care so that your animals can be cared for while you’re getting back on your feet. Please note, Cat Guardians is in no way affiliated with any of the following organizations, so you will need to contact them directly for information on their programs and their policies.

Anti-Cruelty Society SAFE Program
312-644-8338 ext 313

Helping individuals and families in crisis, the SAFE Program (Short-term Accommodations for Emergencies) is an effort to protect and shelter people and their pets.


PAWS Chicago Safe-Haven Program:
Dedicated network of foster homes, providing temporary homes for pets of families in crisis.

PAWS Chicago Emergency Admissions:
Prioritized admission into their adoption program for those who do not see a way to keep their pet

Naperville Area Humane Society Safe Pets Program
Specializes in helping victims of domestic violence

Blessed Bonds – Naperville
(708) 710-2493
Blessed Bonds is primarily a crisis foster care program, but they are also trying to expand their services to act as a general resource for pet owners in crisis.

MilitaryPets Foster Project
(843) 249-5262
A Nationwide network of foster homes for the dogs, cats, birds, horses and all other pets for all the Military personnel ONLY.