‘2022 Lizzie


Cat Guardians took Lizzie in when she was abandoned last spring. The vet thought she was about 8 years old, but other than that, the shelter had no idea of her history. She was one sick and scared kitty when I met her while during my weekly cleaning shift. She was so small and thin, but she loved sitting on the volunteers’ laps, and she would strongly object whenever it was time to put her down.

She quickly diagnosed with kidney disease. I offered to take her home while her medical issues were being sorted. I had no experience with feline kidney disease, but two volunteers from the shelter’s medical team gave me lessons in administering subcutaneous fluids. They have been wonderfully supportive and have worked closely with me to get Lizzie’s health stabilized.

We’ve seen quite a change since she came home. We’ve figured out what she likes to eat and she’s gained a bit of weight. She’s cleaning herself now and while she is still quite vocal, she is confident enough of her situation that she doesn’t need to be in my lap all the time. She does come visit me once or twice a night, and if I am awake she will insist on a pet.

She is an absolute joy! And as you can see in the video below, she is a kitty of many talents! Thank you Cat Guardians for being there for Lizzie when she needed someone to love and care for her!

Merry Christmas Lizzie Video

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