2010 Camille


It gives me great pleasure to tell Cat Guardians about how Camille is doing at our home. There is a cute and funny story about how we came about adopting her. My daughter had move out taking her Maine Coon cat, Fabio, with her. After about a month, I noticed the house seemed a little empty. I mentioned this to my daughter, and a couple of days later she emailed me a photo of Camille, with the Cat Guardians website included. Well… it was love at first sight. I showed my husband the photo and of course he agreed that we should go see her. So that weekend my husband and I visited Cat Guardians just to meet Camille. And there she was, our princess. Even my husband said she seemed special. So adoption papers were filled and she became ours. We brought her home after the holidays. We were concerned about holiday parties and such, & that it would be hard for her to settle in.

Arriving home, she settled in immediately. What can I say. When everyone goes to bed, Camille and I stay up late to watch TV together. She keeps me company and I give her belly rubs. She is so sweet. She’s also discovered our king size bed upstairs and doesn’t sleep on the couch or her kitty bed anymore. Oh well. She’s the princess! Camille doesn’t move or flinch when my two grandsons are running around the house. She sits where she is and that’s where she stays. I sometimes have to be careful during cooking in the kitchen, because she’ll sit right in the middle of the room and watch me. It’s really funny. If it wasn’t for my daughter I would have missed this opportunity to find Camille. This kitty has brought love and laughter into our house. She’s calming and quiet in the evening. I have even caught my husband scratching her ears and rubbing her under her chin. We love her. She’s definitely our princess. And she knows it.

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